250g Ready Made Custard
2 Tablespoons Cornflour (20g)
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
1/2 Teaspoon Nutmeg
Pre-rolled Vegan Friendly Puff Pastry
1 Tablespoon of Melted Butter for Brushing
2 tablespoons of Brown Sugar
Start by pre-heating oven to 200c.
In a bowl mix together Custard, Vanilla, Cornflour, Nutmeg and stir together till there are no clumps.
Take a muffin tin and grease with non-stick spray or brush with butter.
On a clean surface, roll out pastry so that it’s still on it’s parchment paper. Take a Cup/mug around 10cm wide to cut out even circles. I got 6 out of one roll, but then you can press the cutaway and make two more. Using your hand, slightly stretch the dough a little, Place inside muffin tin, if it overlaps just crimp it into place. Repeat.
Brush pastry in the tin with melted butter. Now add 2 tablespoons of the custard mixture in each tart, and you can customise with toppings. I put a bit of jam and hazelnuts in a few of mine.
Lastly sprinkle brown sugar all around the pastry. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Till the pastry is golden brown on the edges.
Optional but recommend step: place under a grill for 30 1 minute to really caramelise the top. Alternatively you can use a blow torch to to the same affect. Allow to cool for 15 minutes so the custard can set, then enjoy with coffee!